FAQ: New Changes on Mindstone

We're here to help answer your questions about the recent changes to focus on AI.

What's changing with Mindstone?

Where is my Mindspace?

Where are my notes and highlights?

What will happen to my evidence points and my skill profile?

What if AI isn’t relevant to my current learning goals?

What happens to the content I've added to Mindstone if I close my account?

I'm already a part of the Practical AI Community. What does this mean for me?

Why has Mindstone decided to focus on AI?

How will focusing on AI skills benefit my career or personal development?

What can I access for free on the new Mindstone?

How do I get started with the new Mindstone?

Will there be any charges for the new services?

I'm interested in your AI upskilling programs for myself or my company. Where can I get more information?

Where can I get more help?